Census State Data Center
Your Local Census Navigator: Training, Support and More! We're here to provide important tools, education, and resources that will help you better understand your communities using Census data.
Explore data from the
Census Bureau’s
American Community Survey
on income, education,
employment and more
for all of CT’s towns.
Learn about recent changes
in how the Census Bureau
protects individuals’ privacy,
how this impacts the
accuracy of the data, and
what this means for data users.
Read our analyses of
data on Connecticut from
the Census Bureau, including
the American Community
Survey and the 2020
Decennial Census.
Featured Project
2020 Demographics and Housing Explorer
The 2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC), released by the U.S. Census Bureau in May 2023, is one of many data products released as part of the 2020 decennial census. The DHC file includes detailed tables on topics such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, along with many topics about households and families. This explorer is for data users to access and explore data found in the DHC file easily.
About The CT SDC
In 1978, the Census State Data Center (SDC) Program began as a cooperative agreement between the states and the U.S. Census Bureau. State Data Centers assist the Census Bureau by disseminating census and other federal statistics. As a Census State Data Center partner, CTData is the local resource to contact with questions about finding and interpreting census data.
As the CT Census State Data Center we:
Provide press releases about data trends throughout Connecticut
Share tutorials on how to access census data online
Answer questions about census data
Publicize available datasets through our networks
Manage a statewide data portal with accessible data tools
Partner with local governments in maintaining proper boundary files at the Census Bureau
Advocate for accurate and timely data products
Census News
March 28, 2024 - Census Bureau Statement on Updated Race and Ethnicity Standards
2023 Sept - Change to County-Equivalents in the State of Connecticut for 2022 ACS