Explore data from the 2020 Decennial Census on population counts, race and ethnicity, home ownership rates, housing occupancy rates and more for all of CT’s towns.
Interactive Tools using Decennial Census
2020 Demographics and Housing Explorer
To explore data such as race/ethnicity, tenure, occupancy status, and more by town, within The 2020 Demographic and Housing Charateristics File (DHC), released by the U.S. Census Bureau in May 2023.
Census 2020: Connecticut Population and Demographic Changes Map
Use this tool to explore the changes between the 2010 and 2020 census data by town. Note that some towns have may have larger percentage changes due to their small populations, or due to the impact of the new differential privacy protections.
Connecticut Asian and Pacific Islander Ethnicities Map
Use this dashboard to explore 2020 Census data about Asian and Pacific Islander ethnicities in CT.