The American Community Survey is a survey administered by the Census Bureau covering topics such as social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics. The American Community Survey informs over $675 billion of federal and state government spending each year.
Interactive American Community Survey Data Tools
An online interface to explore town data on income, education, and housing according to American Community Survey.
Interactive Tools Using American Community Survey Data
Hartford Neighborhood Voter Explorer
What was the participation of currently registered Hartford residents during the previous municipal election (2019)?
What share of residents in the neighborhoods voted in that election? How does that differ by age group?
In which neighborhoods have residents voted at higher rates and lower rates?
Hartford Young Children Data Story
An overview of young children in Hartford in an accessible format that is easy to navigate.
Connecticut Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) and PUMA Delineation go to tools
On this page you will learn about the background of PUMAs in Connecticut and how they can be helpful for data exploration. It also includes 2020 PUMA Resources and updating PUMA Boundaries for 2020.