Policy Advisories
Building a Holistic Early Childhood Investment Framework
Improving Early Intervention: The Birth to Three Missing Children Problem
Cost and Outcomes for Family Bridge: CT Universal Home Visiting at Birth
Perinatal Maternal Health and Mental Health: Challenges and Disparities
Developmental and Maternal Screenings: CT’s Early Warning and Support System
Advancing a PN-3 Framework: A Two Site Baby Bundle Replication
Ready by Five & Fine by Nine 2006 to 2023
Recognizing the need to look back in order to move forward, a small guide team of CT 359 members sought to identify where we have achieved or fallen short the goal articulated by the first Early Childhood Cabinet in 2006 that all children are on target in their first five years, enter kindergarten ready and be reading well in the third grade. We discovered that, while many of the state’s young children are doing well, many more – as many as one in two – are not. This picture of children’s development was true in 2006 and remains true in 2024. Read the report.
Promoting Equitable Pandemic Recovery for Hartford’s Young Children
Research on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the early care and education experiences and the development of young children in Hartford, and the supports that child care providers and families need. Read it here.
Early Childhood Briefs
In the News
CT Mirror Viewpoints
Opinion: CT’s early childhood data is a mess. Use ARPA funds to fix it (May 3)
Download PDF HERE.
Opinion: Looking back to move CT children forward (April 16)
Download PDF HERE.