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Vulnerability and Trust in LGBTQ+ Data Collection: Equity in Data Community of Practice

This session explores ethical, respectful approaches to LGBTQ+ data collection. Focusing on the unique vulnerabilities LGBTQ+ individuals face, we’ll examine principles from the Belmont Report to identify the ways we can build trust and ensure dignity in data practices. Participants will learn techniques for protecting sensitive information, designing inclusive survey questions, and fostering a safe environment for LGBTQ+ respondents.

These principles will be applied to real world examples by evaluating existing questionnaires for adherence to these principles. Together, we will identify respectful approaches to common, but sensitive questions. Finally, we will open it up to attendees for questions and discussion about the challenges they face with LGBTQ+ data collection and intersections of other vulnerable identities.  By understanding the impact of respectful data collection, attendees will leave prepared to create more trustworthy and accurate data practices in their fields.

About this group:

We are a group of data users in Connecticut who are supporting one another as we work toward more equitable data practices. We focus on racial equity explicitly but not exclusively.

Some of the topics we talk about include:

  • How can we make sure we don't make certain groups invisible through how we disaggregate our data?

  • How can we learn to focus our attention on the strengths, rather than the deficits, of groups we are seeking to serve or support?

  • How can we learn from the people who we hope will benefit from our products or services about what their data means to them?

  • How can we help the institutions that we are part of to be trustworthy so that people will trust us with their information/data?

You can read more about our past events here.

Please feel free to check out the group. And if it is helpful, please share it!