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Data by Topic: Data at your Fingertips

Have you ever tried downloading data across multiple years and towns, only to encounter a bunch of steps for what should be a straightforward question?

We've been there too, which is why we created and recently updated our Data by Topic tool! This new and improved platform provides convenient way to access Connecticut data at state, town, county, and planning region levels.*

Our revamped interface makes it easy to explore American Community Survey (ACS) data from 2010 to 2023. The Data by Topic platform is a convenient way to access and download data for various geographies within Connecticut.

Our datasets are organized into several categories, with data topics including median household income and rent, education, population demographics, and veteran status to name a few. This webinar will demonstrate how to navigate the Data by Topic platform and teach you how to search, access, and download data for your work.

You'll leave with an understanding of how to effectively use this tool and leverage our extensive collection of data in your work.

Accessibility: CTData is committed to making our workshops as accessible and barrier-free as possible. We have taken the following steps to ensure accessibility:

  • All documents, handouts, and other materials provided during the workshop are in a format that can be easily read by assistive technology, such as Microsoft Word or PDF.

  • The workshop includes closed captioning.

  • Presentations and materials shared have clear and easy-to-read fonts.

Our goal is to make our workshops accessible to everyone, and we welcome feedback on how we can improve.