Connecticut Ballot Drop Box Locations

Updated Oct 8, 2020

Connecticut Ballot Drop Box Locations

This project is brought to you with the generous support of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

This project is brought to you with the generous support of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

The map below provides the address location for all ballot drop box locations provided to the Connecticut Secretary of the State. To find a ballot drop box address, zoom in closer to the town you are looking for, and click on the purple location icon once you find it. You can very simply embed this map onto your own website with the embed instructions under the map.

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Embed The Map On Your Website

To embed the map on your site, either use the code below, or copy the map link and add it to your site. The method you use will depend on your website.

Embed the map on your website using this code:

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>