CTData's Michelle Riordan-Nold Appointed to Connecticut's Complete Count Committee

We have some exciting news: Connecticut’s Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz has formed a Complete Count Committee for the state, and Connecticut Data Collaborative’s Executive Director Michelle Riordan-Nold will serve as a member!

Lt. Governor Bysiewicz made the announcement on Monday at the State Capitol. She will chair the committee and has selected Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, State Representative Christopher Rosario of Bridgeport, and State Representative Pat Wilson Pheanious of Ashford as co-chairs.

Lt. Governor Bysiewicz emphasized what’s at stake for the 2020 count: “An accurate census count is critically important to our state,” she said in an official press release,  “as it is the foundation to determine federal funding allocations. The data collected by the 2020 census affects all of us, not just in government, but also private businesses, schools, hospitals, non-profits, and other public and private entities. Currently, Connecticut is ranked first in the nation for paying the most in federal income taxes and we are amongst the lowest in getting federal dollars in return. Therefore, it is extremely important that Connecticut state government take an active role in facilitating counting efforts by establishing the Connecticut Complete Count Committee.”

Complete Count Committees (CCC) play a pivotal role in the Census. These groups educate people about the importance of the 2020 Census and advance Census efforts. Since local groups are attuned to their community’s needs, they can utilize the most optimal strategies for outreach and understand which issues resonate most with their neighbors.

Connecticut’s committee will evaluate previous decennial counts and identify gaps to better prepare for Census 2020. They will also aid in the development of Local Complete Count Committees (LCCC), which provide even more targeted outreach and offer greater access to folks who are at risk of being undercounted.

We congratulate Lt. Governor Bysiewicz on this crucial initiative and are honored to be involved in this historic process! Stay tuned for more updates.

You can watch the full announcement on CT-N. To learn more about the significance of Census 2020 for our state, read the op-ed from our executive director.